Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Color Grey.

"Everything is black and white". A phrase heard globally. And, everyone assumes it is true. I mean, there has to be two opposing sides to everything, right?
  Things have to be so simple. It's either one side, or the other. You're either for something, or against it. There is no "in between" in most of the lives on this planet. You are told you must either pick and choose. You cannot "sit on the fence" as it is referred to. I am here to tell you, you don't have to choose which side to sit on. You can, in fact, sit on the proverbial "fence". Because there is no defined sides. The sides we define, are just perceptions of our own minds. What we think, we become.

  In politics, we have Democrats and Republicans. Each of those sides, have "differing" opinions. And those who believe those ideals, are therefore considered one side or the other. Conservatives and Liberals. Light and Dark. People,  believe their ideals are right. But, they're both right, and they're both wrong. It depends on the person. You see, we have our own perspectives, our own perception of the world. For you to go up to somebody and say, "YOUR view is wrong, because I myself do not view it that way." Is asinine, its arrogant and it is downright disrespectful. It is like, pissing in a cup and calling it beer because you drank a 6 pack, so you say it's beer. Your opinion is not the only opinion on the planet. So why do you make it out that it is?

    We get in the groove, this "light and dark" groove. We think everything is all one sided. If it isn't Democrat, its obviously Republican right? Those crazy right wingers, stupid left wing liberal hippies. It's been this way for decades, upon decades, because nobody has questioned the structure upon how society has been built. Why would be question something that is our way of life? It has been that way for many generations. Everyone falling into line, accepting what is told, is told, and that is that. When in the reality of it, that is so far wrong that it isn't even plausible to think otherwise. The world is NOT black and white. It is in fact, many colors of many different shades. That all blend into one big ass color grey.

    Things, are never as they seem. What you see, someone else does not see. All 7 billion plus people, see things in a different perspective. So of course, it cannot just be black and white. It is 7 billion shades of grey. Every shade, adding to the overall picture. None of us have the right way, nor the wrong way of doing things. Everyone likes to believe that they have the right answers. And, anyone who doesn't agree is wrong. That is how empires are formed, and that is ultimately how they will fall. Like the Roman Empire, who thought their way was the BEST way. For the time being, it was the best. But, everything good comes to an end, as did the Roman Empire. And, it happened Internally.

    Stay humble, when voicing your opinion, and when faced with a rebuttal and you are thinking of voicing your opinion on their opinion of your opinion, stop and think "What impact may my words have on them?", "Is my way really the ONLY right way?". If you ask yourself those two questions, you can never go wrong when the universe gives you an answer back. Because, your first response before asking those questions was probably bullshit. Which was most likely, going to be some sort of insult. We all have those urges. When someone aggravates us, and they say we are wrong. When they just get under the skin, our first instinct is to attack. When behind a keyboard, you cannot punch someone. Your next best defense is your mind, but far too often our minds go into slave mode and we throw insults out at each other. This, gets us nowhere but backwards. We are trying to progress as a society, and our technological advancement is far too fast for our intellectual advancement to catch up.
    We have 9 year old girls giving sex shows on webcams, kids having access to websites with pornography, drugs and violence. We have people literally taking their own life, because of the words of another person. People are SO caught up in the acceptance of others, that if you insult their clothes, or the way they look, they starve themselves or they kill themselves. Or, they will do anything to gain your approval. Even if they do not know you. With technology, you can now see a woman's naked body, without even meeting her. What once was a holy ground, a sacred gesture only those who were worthy enough to see, is now seen by millions. A few typed words, and a woman will send you pictures without clothes. Spread eagle, for the world to see. Without even seeing your real face or hearing your voice. It is a sad sad world we live in. Yet, everything everyone says is always the right answer. It's never wrong. But, it's always wrong.

    There is a paradox here, somewhere, when people get into arguments. These arguments, are at such a 3rd grade level sometimes, I worry for our world. When you resort to name calling, as your rebuttal, you are in fact, wrong. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. You are 100% wrong. This will invoke anger in your "opponent" and, they will rebuttal with the same if they are wired like you are. Most people are, most people are wired by society. Society is always wrong, but they're never wrong. They're never right, but they're always right. Confused yet?

This is why wars are started, and fought. Over people, will differing opinions on how the world should be ran.

    The point I am trying to make, in all this confusion, is this. The world, society as a whole, tends to think on the premise that there are two equal sides to the fence. When in reality, there is more to the world than black and white. There are more than two sides. There are 7 billion sides. The media, the governments of the world, the "leaders", would like you to perceive it as a black and white issue. But the fact remains, the world is made up of over 7 billions shades of grey, you are but one side to a 7 billion sided die.

   This is why wars are started, and fought. Over people, will differing opinions on how the world should be ran.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

A few posts you may like:

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Fear Of Rejection, And The Word No.

 "No", a two letter word that we all fear. We are all guilty of this. Ever put off a phone call, maybe to your boss? Maybe your significant other? Maybe you didn't look at that house or that car? You feared them saying, "no <insert name here>, you cannot afford/do that" Face it, we all fear rejection. We all have the nagging feeling of a situation turning south.

  We need to get out of the malicious mindset that everyone in the world is out to get us. The mindset that we are going to fail, be rejected and be told no. Am I saying, you'll always be told yes? Absolutely not. You will be told No, quite a lot. The mindset you have, going into a situation is how you get through it.
  Imagine, you're with someone about to propose. And they simply say "no". I've had this happen to me, it's been about 4 years almost. My mindset at the time wasn't the greatest. But, I learned from that. I've matured. I've come to the realization, when a situation arises for rejection, when someone has an opportunity to shatter your dreams with a 'NO' you must get into THIS mindset.
  Say you're going for a big job interview, now you aren't the best candidate on paper. There are many more qualified people applying. But you WANT that shit more. You prove with body language, and attitude that you're their best choice. You simply say "fuck it". You get in the mindset that they NEED you, not the other way around. You get in the mindset that if they reject you, if they say no, that's their loss.. Fuck it.
  You'll find another job, another car. Hell another woman. They're plentiful in the world. But, there is only ONE you. Own that shit. Own yourself, take charge and simply fuck everything. There are no bad days, only bad mindsets. There is always a silver lining. Always a reason to be thankful, get in the mindset things could be worse off. Get out of your head and into your emotions. Control them, do not let them control you and your actions.
  Boss won't give you a raise, and you've been there 20 years, but Mr. Brown noser gets one only after 2 years? Fuck it, you leave that job. You don't take shit from anyone. You only get one life. Do you want to spend it in a cubical making someone else rich? Making them money?
  The greatest success in life is to die doing what you love.
  Look at the crocodile hunter? Many would say he lived a short life. But he lived more each time he went out, than most do in their lifetime. What is your goal? Your dream? To skydive? Do it. To lift 1,500lbs from the floor? To clean and snatch 900lbs? Do that shit. You live life with the mentality, that it isn't always sunshine and fucking rainbows. You won't always hear yes, but if you love your life you'll live everyday. If you love your job, if you love the word NO, and realize that no is a blessing in disguise sometimes you'll live the perfect life.
  Think, maybe that no from one job is to set up your dreams for another?
Blessings in disguise.
Embrace the "NO".

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

A few posts you may like:

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

You Are Not Who You Think You Are.

  So often, we want to identify ourselves with a certain aspect of the world. Or, of life in general. We want to feel like we belong, like we are important to something. We want to BE things, we want people to KNOW we are those things. That, is where so many of us go wrong. We want to identify with things we think will make us feel whole. All the while, it is imprisoning us even further. We strive to become something when, in reality, we are everything we need to be. At this very exact moment in time, you have the tools you need to succeed in anything you choose. But, do not identify yourself as those things. Do not let the things you do, define who or what you are.

  I myself, do not identify myself as anything. I am not a man, nor am I a woman. I am not a human, nor am I an alien. I am neither alive, nor dead. I just am. I am here, in this moment as a sentient being of a planet, so vast and so versatile, that I can do anything I choose to do. We simplify the world so much, that our technological advances will be our downfall. Sure, it's nice to pick up a computer or a phone and talk to people globally. I mean, millions of years ago, the only people you thought existed were those who you were raised with. But now, we have access to BILLIONS of others. We have the power, to go anywhere and do anything. We have cars, planes, helicopters, boats and trains. You name it, we can travel on or in it. Yet, we shut ourselves down. We shut out the world, and destroy our means of survival.

  Many people, think the President is a higher power because of him being in a position of power. The same goes for law enforcement and others of a "higher ranking". Those, are all social marks we put on the people who have done things with their lives. Is it good, to be in a position of power? Yes, in some aspects. But, it is when you let yourself become that power and that power define you that you have a problem. Do not, think for a moment that you are better than I or anyone else just because you have a "higher" social ranking. It goes back to high school. Or ever further back, to adolescence. Even your birth day. When we are born, we are automatically imprisoned into this world. We are given a number, that defines our every waking moment. Our whole being is categorized by a number.

  Furthermore, when we grow older and are able to start moving around. We are told "no" the infamous word heard world wide. You ask something, "no" you are told. You want something, "no" you are told. You are told you are a bad child, when you throw a tantrum. You are told it is WRONG to express your emotions. Another prison. The inability to express your true feelings. So you grow older, and you begin using the word NO. Many parents, and non parents alike, know that world. A child says it all the time. It is what they are taught from day 1. But, they are punished for it. Scolded and put in a "time out" because of using it. But, the parents and adults alike still tell the child "no". "I'm hungry mommy/daddy". The response? "No, you just ate 2 hours ago you'll be fine".

  You are told, what you like. Why you like. Who you like. What to wear. When to eat. What to eat. What to do. What to say. How to say. How to act. You don't run your life as a child. And this progresses into school. You are told all those things and more. You eat at certain times. You can only play at certain times. You are told how you must dress in "public". You are told when and how to talk. You SIT there all day, 8 hours, in a classroom. Learning things out of a book, that others tell you is the "right thing". And this progresses into middle school.

  The rules get stricter. The world buckles down on you. It has to right? Or else, you'd be completely out of control. Am I right? Or, is this just a teaching we use to further imprison people? The older we get, the longer we sit. In school, we lose the ability to go outside. So we are stuck, sitting all day. We grow older. and reach high school. And, this trend progresses. We are told, you must dress proper. To act proper. To talk properly and sit more. Sit, sit, sit and more sitting. We are told to get a job, A job, where most of us sit. Or we slave away at something that makes us unhappy. We are told this is our JOB, our PLACE to do these things. Only because if we fail to do so, we are labeled as "not fit" for society.

  Now, am I saying that having a job is bad? By no means am I saying that. I, also, am not saying that we do not need to WORK. We simply don't need a "job". You must work on yourself, you must work for the world. Not, for a company nor for an organization that does not better YOU. Why slave away years of your limited life, for someone or something that does not make you happy. You make them happy everyday. You make them money, they are living the high life. While you live paycheck to paycheck. Thinking, that is your only means of income. When in reality, your TRUE income is how you pay yourself. How you pay your body. How you choose to pay your soul, you are entitled to whatever you want for your mind. You have a plethora of information, information not seen for millions of years by so many, with the internet now you can make yourself knowledgeable in anything you choose. Why do you choose social media? Why do you choose to do things that make you unhappy? There is a world of things, that can fulfill your wildest ambitions.

  Do not, identify yourself as anything. You are not your job. You are not your music. You are not the way you dress. Nor how you act, how you feel. You are not the title you hold. You are not any better than anyone or anything else. You are simply, you. Free yourself from this fucking prison. Do not be held back, from your true purpose in life. So many years have passed us all by. How old are you? That's how long you've been in a prison. For me, that was 23 years. No more though. Do not worry about hurt feelings. Do not cry over spilled milk. A wolf, does not  concern himself with the opinions of sheep. BE that Lion. Be the leader of your own life. Break out of the prison, that is holding your life back.

  Be your true purpose.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

A few posts you may like:

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The God Complex

  Mention those three letters, and everyone suddenly knows everything about life. The words, creationism and evolution are heavily debated topics. One side says a higher being of power created all things around us. While, opposite that, the other side says we were all born of stardust. And, god forbid you argue against either of them. Radical Christians and radical evolutionists. The argument is never ending.
  The Bible, The Quran, The Book of Mormon, The Torah, Spiritualism, The Book of Law, Buddhism, the list goes on. You could write a post simply about the "holy books" of history and modern society. Every single day, someone is trying to create a new religion. Remember Scientology? People are always looking for the blanket to keep them safe. The next thing to follow. We all look for that safety net in the end, weather it be God, or weather it be drugs, it could be food. A countless number of things.
  The age old questions always get asked, "who is god?" "what is god?" "where did he or she come from?" The list of questions goes on forever. Why do good things happen to bad people? Why would god allow this? How did his son dying, help erase our sins? What is a sin? Why are sins so bad? Heaven? Hell? What are these? Where are these? You see, an list of questions arises. And still, we follow our faith. Many look towards God, some towards Allah, some Mohammed and so forth. Some worship Buddah, and some worship the trees and the land. I myself, have no preference. I do not follow "religion" I feel religion is a complex, made up to simply give choice to choiceless people.
  Am I denying the existence of a God? No, I believe this universe is all intertwined like this very internet we are on. A complexity of circuits, all working together. Heaven and Hell are merely concepts, of success and failure. You create your own life, your own universe, upon the template given to you by the higher power out there. The idea of god, is merely what you want to make it. Do not let it control you, like so many others. Many people use the idea of God to control their lives with fear. I tell you now, to be fearless. Do not forget your faith. But do not let your faith forget you, do not let your faith control you. One wrong move, and its blasphemy. One wrong word, and you're condemned to a life of eternal hell fire and torture. 
  You see where I am coming from? The mind is a powerful tool, use it for a good purpose and you will make it wherever you want in life. But, fail to use its full potential? You are already condemned to a life full of hell and misery. There is a quote I like, "A coward dies a thousand death, a warrior dies but one". Don't be a coward, because of your belief. Be a warrior for what you believe in. Fight for what you believe, but do not be ignorant. Do not be a mindless drone, arguing what you were taught your whole life. Everything you have ever been told is a lie. It is up to you, to figure out what the lies and the truths are yourself. Go out, and create yourself.
  Day and night, the sun and the moon. Negative and positive. They are all connected to one another. All things exist and all things do not exist, at the same time. What you see, is not always what is real, and what is real is not always what you are seeing. Take for instance, Christmas which is touted as the Christian holiday on which Jesus was born. It actually started out as a Pagan holiday, which was about sacrifice. Easter? A holiday about fertility and sex. You see? What we are taught to believe of reality, is not so real after all.
  If you take anything away from this, anything at all. I would have you take this message away. Do not fall into line behind all the others. Do not do something, simply because it is the socially normal  thing to do. Follow your own path, and fear not the repercussions. Live your life as if it is your last day. And whatever you do, do not fall into the God Complex, created to scare you into line with the rest of the socially inept.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

A few posts you may like:

In case you missed it, or you're new around here: 

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Greatest Deception Of The Modern Era

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"  That seems to be the age old question, asked to kids of all age. The funny thing? Most adults still cannot answer that question, nor can they say they are doing what they intended with their lives. Sad, isn't it?
  You may be one of them, sitting there and thinking to yourself "WHAT do I really want to do with my life?"  I know, because I was at that point in my life not to long ago myself. Depressed, daily, no motivation and no care for the future. I thought to myself, "what is the point? Nothing ever goes right anyways". But, maybe the veil is so far over our eyes that we just cannot see what we need to. We cannot see what life has in store for us, if we just stray from the social norms.
  Oh, you know exactly what I am talking about. It's imprinted upon us from birth. To "follow in the footsteps of the great ones".  At 4 years old we start going to school, we do 15 years of schooling. The next step is college, which is usually 4 years sometimes upwards of almost 10 for some. And all you get is a piece of paper showing you now have $100,000 in debt. Next up, is the job. You have to get one of those, god forbid you enjoy your life. Most of the time it isn't even in the field of work you went to college for. You work for a corporation that can and WILL drop you at the drop of a hat. For seemingly no reason, other than to "cut costs". Then what? No job, wife leaves you and you wind up homeless with nothing in the world except yourself.
  Now, those lucky ones, who keep that job. Go to it everyday, but are they so lucky after all? Back pains, countless ailments and diseases. Poor diets, and lack of motivation. Doughnuts and coffee every morning, just for their pick me up. Some junk for lunch, and a quick dinner scarfed down in front of the T.V. so they can rush to bed and get their 5 average hours of sleep. Don't forget their hectic lives with the kids schedule, that they are always stressed about. Eventually, they reach retirement age. Ah, the golden years have passed. With little to show, hardly seeing their kids grow up because of grueling hours at the office. Wife cheating on them, because they're too tired to pleasure her. And when they do, finally get to that moment, he can't get it up.
  Fast forward, he saved so much for his pension. Finally able to retire. How does he spend his days? Not for fun, or entertainment. Not spent with his wife, he now has a growing ignominy for her. So he sleeps his days away, when he isn't going to countless doctors appointments. All those years of heartburn, and popping pills has given him many medical problems. And, the misses is no different. Living out the rest of their days ignoring each other for the most part, him napping and her never doing anything right to him. Until one day, something tragic happened to one of them.
  Now, say Mr. Smith shall we call him? Mr. Smith, is the first to go. Mrs. Smith lives her life out in sorrow until one of her countless diseases takes her. Now, the kids they birthed fall into the same trap. Living their lives out in quite the same manner. The saddest part? This is the social norm, now days. The timeline for "success" goes a little like this:
-Go to school for 15 years.
-Go to college.
-Get a job.
-Save for retirement.
  Sounds pretty damn boring to me. Sounds like the easy way out. The great deception making everyone believe in this fallacy of the "American Dream". A dream evolved over time, into something most people settle for. The American dream, use to be to live a happy healthy life with your family. Spending days working, not only on yourself or your house, but also on your family. So many now days, lose not only themselves but also their families and friends in not the pursuit of happiness, no in the pursuit of money. The pursuit of fame. We have evolved into a selfish self centered race of beings. But, selfishness is not always bad, considering though that most people now days are more selfish than selfless I fear for our future if we keep this pace up.
  I fear, of a future where the man next to you cannot be trusted. Where, family cannot support family. Once trusted individuals, now stab you in the back for litter better than to relish in their own fame and fortune. We sacrifice what we most need, for what we most want. Am I telling you, to give up on your dreams? NO, not exactly, in fact I am telling you the opposite! Follow your dreams! Follow that which is in your heart, and don't ever give up nor give in. But heed this warning, do not give up the things that mean most in your life. Do not give up your heart, for anything. You own that, own yourself and never give your true self up. Always be you.
  If you aren't happy with your life, quit your job. Follow your dreams, follow what is in your heart. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop falling into the pit of despair and fucking do something about it. If you're happy living out your days like detailed about, fuck you. You are why, this world is how it is. You are how come future generations will peril to the mundane 9-5 lifestyle.
  But, if you want to change. You go and grab life by the balls. You go and change yourself.
Be bigger, be better, be stronger. Never stop evolving. Never give up.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Meaning of Life.

I want to talk today about life in general. And, how you can make your life happier and better to the level you wish to achieve it. It is possible, to turn your life around and to be happier than you ever thought. While some of you sit there, you're depressed and upset. You cannot find a reason to even wake up anymore. And, to be 100% honest with you, I have been there before. A few years ago. I was at my low point. But, I turned it around. And now, while I am not 100% at the goals I have. I am on my way, on the path. And I am happy. Finally. You can be too, if you put the work and effort in. In this post, I will tell you some things that can help you achieve that next level, and some steps you can take to get there.

  Stop being so hard on yourself, just stop. Quit downing yourself. "I'm so fat" "I'm ugly, no one will ever want me" "I'll never be happy". Guess what? You're exactly right. You know why? Because, you believe those things, so you project those thoughts through your expressions towards others. You are amazing the way you are. Okay? Sure, you have some excess fat, and sure, maybe your looks aren't that of the popular magazines and the TV/Movie stars. Guess what? They don't look that good either. They have photoshop and TONS of makeup, to make them look that way. In all reality, they are real people, with acne and blemishes. They have bad hair days, and feelings of always being bloated. But they put on that act, and trick you into thinking that they don't have a single care in the world. In all reality, they care more than each and every one of us. We care about going out in public looking how we do, but truth be told they get so much publicity that if they do have a single hint of some kind of blemish, all of a sudden their career is over. So stop comparing yourself to those you see on TV and in magazines. Because, you'll never be them. You are yourself. And, that is all you need to ask yourself to be. Don't expect to ever look like Marilyn Monroe. Or, Gerard Butler. It just won't happen. Love yourself, love your flaws. They make you beautiful, they make you human. They make you, real. Don't cover them up, don't let someone change you. If they don't like you for who you are, that is on them. Love yourself for who you are. And, if you don't like something, change it. But never let another persons opinion make you change. Don't lose the weight for them, to look better for them. Do it for your health. Quit standing in the mirror, sucking in your gut saying "I'm so fat and ugly I hate this". Instead look in there and say "I love myself, and if I change it will be for my health. Today will be a good day because I am alive". Because, ultimately, any day you wake up is a day to feel blessed.

  Get on a routine. And stick with it. Don't just sometimes do it. Do it every single day of your life. Don't make the excuse of "I'm tired" or things along that line. Just DO IT. It's that simple. You either do it differently than you usually do, or stay the same. It's a simple concept really. When you break it down to the simplest terminology. It is simply, change your routine and you change your life. Keep the same routine, you'll keep the same future.

  Meditate. Meditation every morning, daily. Can help your mind and body. It will help you to be less stressed. Will help your mind be sharper. Help your hunger, and your overall mood. You will find yourself to be more alert and help you be more "with it", If you may. You will feel an overall wellness. And an aura of happiness wash over you. You will he more relaxed and more at ease. Your whole body will feel good. It will help you get your motivation up.

  Adapt the Primal lifestyle. Stop drinking soda. Drink only water, tea or coffee. Eat real foods. Fatty meats, fruits occasionally and vegetables. Lots of vegetables. And eat till you're full. Only eat when you're hungry. And do periodic fasting.

  Be more positive. This is pretty self explanatory. Stop the stress. Stop being so negative, saying you cannot do anything. Or that it won't work. Just do it. And do it well. Give it your all. And never tell yourself you cannot do something.

  Keep it up. And keep doing it well. You will fall into your routine and you won't even think about it. You will just do it. Keep it up and you will continue to see results. You will consistently see results. May it be, fat loss. Muscle gains. Getting more cut. Getting healthier. A happier mind. You will see more and more results. And, eventually your goals will be achieved.

  Just do what you do, and keep it consistent. You can achieve your results. Do your best, and don't let others get to you.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Until a future time,

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Do's and Do Not's of Fat Loss.

  We were all there once. Looking in the mirror, wanting to change. But not really knowing how. We over complicated it. And we stress our selves out. We hop on the scale, and frown when it says we actually GAINED weight. And we scream "HOW CAN THAT BE I HAVE BEEN ON KEY ALL WEEK". Well. In this article I will tell you a few key Do's and Do Not's for your fat loss journeys.

-DO: Eat Clean "Organic" Foods:
  I cannot stress this point enough. Just eat food, nothing processed. No grain infused frozen meals. Animals, and plants. That is all. No corn or grains. No starchy carbs like potatoes. Just eat an abundance of plants and some animals for protein.

-DO NOT: Over complicate things:
  Just do it, don't think too hard. Don't weigh yourself everyday. You'll only psych and stress yourself out. And stress, will make you retain and even gain weight. Just, do what you're suppose to and look in the mirror, measure your waist. And if they don't go down, change your diet. Train harder. Do something different. It's nice to see weight go down, but on any given day your weight can fluctuate 3-5lbs. It's usually water weight. So don't stress those few pounds heavier you are. Also, you have to factor in muscles, if you are strength training. As you can see, the scale can be your worst enemy on any fat loss venture.

-DO: Train hard:
  Give it your all, no matter what you're doing. Weather it is a lifting program, a body weight program. Or if you're just starting out and you're walking. Just give it your all. Don't give up. In the words of the late Master Yoda. "Do or Do Not, there is no Try/" And that is so true, you either do it, or you don't. There is no "trying to do" something. Because if you wanted it bad enough, you would just fucking do it. No complaints, no whining, no "I'll do it tomorrow," Or "I'll do it monday, it's good to start on the first of a week". Who the hell gave you that stupid ass idea? I don't care if it is, 3 a/m/ and you are sitting there and you get that twinge of something deep within you, you want to change. Don't say "I will do it in the morning" You want results, put in the fucking work. You get your ass up off the couch THAT NIGHT, and you go for a walk before bed. I don't care what time it is. If you want it done, do it/ Quit eating those foods, quit drinking that soda. I believe in each and every one of you. So believe in your damn self for once. Because I did it, I lost 115lbs. Not because I "did it on Monday" I looked in the mirror, and said "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO YOURSELF" and I made that change. I know you can too.

-DO NOT: Let people bring you down:
  Don't let someone bring you down. You're in a good mood, working out. You're eating better. Granted, maybe not as good as you should. But you dropped the soda, and got to walking and stuff. And BAM, you hear someone whisper "damn that guy/girl is so fat why are they even trying?" Or maybe someone isn't noticing your weight loss, or how good you're doing. So you go back to your comfort. You binge, you eat so much till you get to the point of being sick. You get depressed, and you don't want to move on. You go back to your old habits. NO, YOU DON'T. You look them in the eyes, and say "FUCK YOU" because you're doing what YOU know is right. What helps YOU in YOUR life. Not theirs. If you're doing it right. Putting in the hard work, and you are seeing even small changes. You KEEP DOING IT. Despite what anyone says. Because, they don't see your struggle. They don't even know you. They just speculate based on what they perceive. So be strong. Do not, let uneducated people bring down your mood. You're doing this for you, keep at it and one day you'll laugh in their face when they haven't achieved their goals, and you have.

-DO: Write it down:
  Everything, yes I said it right, EVERYTHING. Every little morsel you eat. Weather it is a 12oz porterhouse. Or one cookie. Every calorie counts. And you'll be able to see, on those days you "cheat" and have a brownie or a piece of pie. How many calories over your goal you've went. How, empty those sugary concoctions are for your health. They're sugar and carbs, and all sorts of additives. So, skip those if you're looking for fat loss. Write down all the food you eat, the drinks you consume. Your morning coffee or green tea. Your afternoon sweet tea, or un-sweet if you're like me. Your dinner, every oz of that chicken or fish or whatever you fancy. You're at work and someone offers you a piece of their food, say, fried chicken. And you haven't had any for a while, so  you think, sure why not? WRITE IT DOWN. That friend chicken leg, has many calories, probably over 100. So write it down. Those calories count. They all count. Also, write down your workouts. Log your reps and weight if you're strength or body weight training. If for 3 weeks, your weight hasn't increased or even decreased. Change something up. Don't idle in your workouts. Don't stall on your nutrition. Because those plateaus are hard to bust through. And you WILL hit one. Just don't be the cause of it. Do yourself a favor, and actually log every food item, every workout. And even your sleep schedule. It all effects your weight. Maybe something has been stressing you out lately? And your weight loss has stalled. BINGO, get rid of that stress. And just WRITE IT DOWN. Simple as that.

-DO NOT: Blame anyone but yourself:
  That's right. I will probably get A LOT of people mad at me with this one. I don't care. The truth hurts. But fact is, you caused all of this. No one forced you to eat like you did. No one forced anything on you. I blamed a lot of things for how I was. My feet, because I couldn't do the things I liked. My dad for leaving us. I blamed it on a lot. But it was all a sweet comforting lie, to help myself justify how I was. No one forced me to eat in abundance, or to not be active. I did that to myself. No one forced me to drink ever single day. Or pop pills. I chose that life. To ease the pain, when I could have as easily just got my ass up and did something about it. Instead I numbed myself, and I numbed the pain. It did't go away. No, I covered it up. That is the WRONG way to go about things. Don't blame your parents, your environment, your school, the other kids, don't blame the commercials, or Mc Donalds for being so bad for you. Just don't. No one forced your hand. It was you. And only YOU can change yourself. Only YOU can do what needs to be done. On your own time. Don't do it for anyone else, nor wait for anyone else. If you don't like something, change it. You might not be able to do it overnight, the change. Because it has been ongoing for YEARS. But, you CAN do it. You just have to get your mindset into it. And BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Because you are capable of doing it, You didn't get this way overnight. You've eaten like this for years. Small baby steps. And, eventually you'll look back at the person you WERE and see the person you're designed to be. Because you're strong, you're powerful, mind body and spirit. So don't even think you can't and don't ever think, it isn't your fault because, ultimately it is. So change it.

-DO: Believe it is possible:
  There are people worse off than you. There are people with various diseases and various different things wrong. Don't make the excuse that you "Can't" because you CAN. People do it everyday. People with so many problems do it. Physical and psychological diseases. They get it done. So you can too. No feat is too hard. No mountain too high. No path unable to be crossed. You can do what you set your mind to. If you give it your all, you'll get it all in return. Life works in mysterious ways. And sometimes it's hard. Sometimes, that light at the end of the tunnel seems SO far away. But, it's not. If you believe, you can achieve. You will never do anything, unless you can believe in yourself. Because, that is the ONE and ONLY person who matters in the end. Not the neighbor, not your significant other, not your parents or friends. Not that "guy/girl" you want to impress. You do this for YOU. You believe in YOU. It is possible, To quote the famous Spartacus, "Anything in this life is possible, if mind and heart are put towards it." Give it your all, your blood, your sweat, your tears, your mind and body. Your heart. Give it everything you got, and never give up. Never let life push you back harder than you can push it. Because, you're better than that. Better than someone so eager and willing to give up everything they've worked for. Believe it is possible, even when everyone and everything else tells you it isn't.

-DO NOT: Feel you have to compare yourself to others:
  Everyone is different. We all have different bodies. Different levels of health and such. So it is normal, that someone else, who is the same weight as you, for them to lose it faster/slower than you. Because, we all have different DNA. While, it is all pretty cut and dry. The basics are the same. Calories in VS Calories out. But, everyone is different. So don't ever compare yourself to someone else. To someone who loses it faster than you. It will only stress you out. It will only make you want to give up. You will compete with them, even if not on purpose, subconsciously, and you will attempt to train like them. And only injure yourself. You will only give up, when you cannot do what they can. So, never compare yourself to another person. Because, you will only be discouraged.

  The most important rule of any fatloss/nutritional/workout program, is to just do your best. That simple. Just give it your all. Don't be discouraged if someone else is more fit. Or if they are losing weight faster. Etc. Just do you. Don't compare yourself. Don't look in magazines, and say you want that body. Chances are, if/when, you get to that level of fitness, you will NOT look exactly like Arnold did when he did body building. Nor will you look like your favorite athlete. You will be you, but a stronger version of yourself. And that is what we all want to work for. To be stronger, fitter, faster, harder and all over healthier.

  Keep doing what you do, keep being strong. And. being yourself. Don't listen to others, let the critics do what they do. And you do what you do. Because, you CAN do it. If you put your mind to it.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

How to calculate calories:

Until a further time,

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Important Role of Time Management.

    You will hear me repeat this phrase over and over again, "86,400 seconds is all we get per day." Because, that is the cold hard truth we get 24 hours per day to manifest our dreams into reality. The most successful people have mastered this art. The art that is time management. Those such as Elliott Hulse, Tony Robbins, Oprah, and others alike, have all mastered the art of time management. You see, managing time is the hardest but most resourceful thing to creating your image and business. You can go far as back as to say those such as Vincent Van Gough, and Nostradamus to see just how well time management can work in your favor.

    All great artists, historians and musicians alike use time management on their side. All of the successful people know that there is a fine line that distinguishes between work and pleasure. You have to manage your time so that you can get the best of both worlds. Not only will you get more work productivity accomplished, you will have more time to relax and recharge. Ask any person who has gotten success, and they will tell you the easiest way to become successful is to manage your time spent doing things. Cut your time down. Stop and take a 15 minute break if it seems that your task is becoming so daunting that you are dragging ass on it. Go for a walk to recharge your batteries, get some sunlight. Meditate, or practice yoga. Make sure to have yourself a good solid workout routine. Sleep regularly, weather or not 8 hours is on the agenda matters not, Make sure you keep a sleep schedule that is coherent to your goals.

    You make life work around you, not the other way around. If you have work, school, the gym, a family, you make it all work together. You find a way to incorporate as much as you can into as little time as possible. Find a shorter, but more effective workout to do at the gym. Choose to get more done at work in a shorter time, so that you can spend the down time working on yourself. If your goals is to work from home, and manage your own business. Start now, and get your presence known. What you want to do, will determine your next moves. Whatever your niche, find all forums on that subject. Join them, begin integrating yourself into the community. Build your social status, build your name. Grow your business around that. Become a part of the community you wish to thrive in, and your following will grow before your business even begins to take off.

    "Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."- Tony Robbins.
     Tony said it best, be committed but flexible. Flexibility is the ultimate tool in an arsenal when building yourself and your brand. Life will happen, and things will arise. You must be able to adapt to those things, and allow life to become your tool. You must allow life, to be subservient to you. You control life, and you control time. In the end, you will master anything you set your mind after. Go out, become the next Van Gough, the next Bach, the next Kobe Bryant, Kurt Warner, Adrian Peterson, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the next Brad Pitt, the next Tony Robbins. Go out, manage your time correctly. And you will gain everything you have ever wanted. I will explain more in detail on time management in my next book I am working on. Look for it in the next couple of weeks.
Until tomorrow,

A few posts you may like:

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Primal: Is It Any Good? Should I Follow It? What Is It Exactly?

  You're walking through the dense jungle, leaving your cave or home you had built. In one hand, a spear the other, is bare. As you are walking barefoot across sticks and leaves, you don't think twice, this is your nature. You've walked these forests a thousand times. You are crawling over rocks, climbing branches as about 100 yards away, you spot a wild boar. So instinctively you drop down slowly crawling, keeping your eyes fixed on it. You get close enough, and slowly rise, not to alarm it. As you cock back, you throw your spear, just right catching it in the heart. Instantly killing it. as you hoist it up on your shoulder you find a stick, and sharpen it as you arrive back at your home, putting it over the fire to slow cook all day. As you go out, foraging for nuts, and other vegetables or the occasional fruit you can find. As you find nothing else. Today was a lucky day, you actually get some meat to help keep you going through the rigorous daily activities you have to do, in order to live and survive.

  That's exactly how we lived, tens of thousands of years ago. There were no, Walmart, or big grocery stores to go shop at. There was no, frozen pizza, chicken nuggets, french fries, hell no friend, breaded, potato. corn. anything grain like. It was meat, when you could get it. And all the vegetables you could gather. You didn't get the luxury to go and buy it in abundance only to let it all waste. There was no ice cream and brownies for you "cheat meal" or "cheat day". The food you ate back then was to survive, to nourish your body. To keep it able to keep up with your necessary daily activity. You walked, daily. You crawled, and jumped. Sprinted when being chased on occasions. You climbed, and lifted heavy things. Hoisted animal carcasses. You threw spears, stabbed spears. Sharpened sticks. And there was no down time. Not even to blog like I am right now. You were always busy.

  I guess that is what we have "evolved" into. The "I want it now, it's easy to get and than I will let it waste because that health thing was only a fling". So we go back to our unhealthy grains, and we go back to our unhealthy foods. We get those frozen pizzas and those corn dogs, and such. And we stuff them into our bodies, getting the little amount of protein they offer. And hardly nourishing our bodies, and actually doing the opposite. Killing ourselves, slowly and surely. Getting a number of diseases, that weren't around 100,000 years ago. Because the food additives just did not exist. They were not even thought of.

 What does it mean to eat, live and be primal? Well, after I found the blog called "Marks Daily Apple" I decided to start adapting to living a primal life. Mark Sisson, is the one who created the "primal blueprint".
Being primal, means living the way our ancestors did thousands of years ago.
  Being primal means:
-Eating good foods, animals, good fats, plants and the occasional fruit.
-Low carb, your only carbs should come from plant sources.
-High fat, good fats such as avocado, coconut, olive oil, etc.
-Moderate protein.
-Walk daily.
-Lift heavy things.
-Stay active.
-Play (doing socially fun things or things you enjoy)
-Minimal stress.
-Get a good amount of sleep.

That pretty much outlines the basics of living a primal lifestyle.
No more being a couch potato. (speaking of potatoes, they are bad. They aren't included in the primal lifestyle. Unless it is an occasional sweet potato)
Now, that isn't saying you cannot watch TV. Just, don't revolve your life around it.
Just stay busy, stay active.
Walk around, do movements that mimic the lifestyle back then.
Crawl, hop, jump, walk, sprint on an occasion, lift heavy things, compound movements. Just do the opposite of all you have been taught.
Carbs are bad. Potatoes, grains, corn, all of it. 99% of what the modern diet consists of. Is bad for you. And is killing everyone slowly.
And they have those fancy commercials, "if you're hungry, grab a snickers"
 Oh, grab that snickers. Satisfy your hunger, for 10 seconds. Until you want another, and another. Of those empty calorie heart disease bars. All I see when I look at the candy section:
-heart disease.
-tooth decay.

Because eating a diet, consistent of all that, is a surefire way to be put on prescription medication, that causes more problems than it fixes.

  To live the primal life, is to live the life that was lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Before artificial anything was around.
Now am I implying to go out and hunt for food everyday? To ask that of most people is, asinine. Quite frankly, not a lot of people CAN do that. But, what I am suggesting, is to go out and buy GRASS fed animals. ORGANIC fruits and vegetables. To buy GRASS fed everything. To supplement where you lack, with ORGANIC products. And to use healthier alternatives. Because, they're out there.

 The argument I always use is, would you rather pay $1.00 extra for the grass fed beef a pound. Or be charged $100.00 monthly for medication, and a hospital bill from your cancer treatments.
  Because, it's not a matter of IF anymore, it's a matter of WHEN. If you eat a diet, like the modern american.

  I will get more in depth, on the dangers of grains. On the benefits of walking daily, and other aspects of the primal lifestyle.

That's it for today guys and gals.

Stay healthy, stay strong, stay grain free, Stay primal.
Until a future time,

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

A post I did about diseases, and the primal connection:

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

Friday, January 22, 2016

How do you identify yourself?

We all have our stories, we all have things that define us. That people think of us when they see it.
  We have two choices, choose things that will make others adore you. Or choose things that will make others shy away from you. Do you want to be revered or do you want to bring about a negative presence?
  Now, it is your life,  do whatever the fuck you wish, but I encourage you to choose option #1 over the latter. It all comes down to the question, "How do you wish to be remembeted?"  And the sad reality is, most of us won't make the impact on the world we should be.
  Most of us settle, settle for that job, settle with that comfortable life. But, complain when things don't happen how we wanted.  You hear it time and time again. "I wish I would have done this" "I should have done that". And the later years of life, are filled with regret.
  The saddest aspect,  is most people are okay with this.  They are okay with being a drone. Working the generic 9-5. They are okay with smashing their dreams into the back of reality. Not caring that they're living less than they deserve. They settle, for the mundane and the constant.
  You see, most of us fear the unknown. Yet,  the unknown is what we already know. We just have to discover it ourselves. The unknown, is not scary. It is not to be feared. The unknown, to get uncomfortable,  is growth. Growth, means at some point you have suffered.  To live is to suffer,  to survive is the find meaning in the suffering. 
  You can either suffer, in suffering. Or you can suffer in success.
You choose.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Stretching: How, When, & Why You Should Do It.

  Our muscles are very complex. They get tight, and they hurt. But, with proper stretching, we can loosen them up thus, eliminating the nagging pains we often feel. When we stretch our muscles, they become more elastic and they have a greater range of motion. They often help us with our daily lives. With tight muscles (which most have now a days, due to the overwhelming rise in technology), it is hard sometimes to perform a simple daily action of even walking. Our posture becomes terrible, we hunch over, we complain when we walk. Our bodies are deteriorating, slowly. But thankfully, we have this little thing on our side called time.

  With time, perseverance and patience. We can change that. We can reverse the damage we have caused. We can change what we have done to our bodies over time. With a simple stretching routine every morning, you will see improvement in your posture, in your mood, your physical pay load. Everything. You will noticed your gym activities, whatever they may be, will improve. Your life will improve ten fold.
  Now, why do we stretch? Well when we are active, our muscles become tight, and filled with lactic acid. If not properly stretched, the tightness never goes away and sticks with us forever. Hindering our abilities to perform some simple tasks as: squatting down, bending over and even walking. Reaching for things, can become a burden too.

  You can see why stretching is so important. It helps us, well live better lives. So I will tell you the basic fundamental stretches that will help you in your everyday life. And perform better at the gym.

  With every stretch, hold it for 30-90 seconds, working your way up to 90.

1.Sit with your legs spread as far apart as you can, bend forward like a hinge at your waist, stretching your arms out towards your feet. Reaching as far as you can. And hold that position for up to 90 seconds, or as long as you can.

2. Repeat, doing it with a single leg.

3. The butterfly, I'm sure you remember this from gym class. Sit with your feet together, and press on your thighs with your elbows stretching open your hips.

4. Stand, feet spread as wide as you can, breathe in and exhale down slowly. As you fold your arms, hand your head, arms folded in front of you. And dangle there, stretching your hamstrings and lower back. This is a great one, to help your nagging hamstrings.

5. Now, feet wide again, squat as far as possible. And maintain that position. Stretching your hips again, and inner thighs.

6. Step one foot in front of the other, and bend forward, keeping your feel about 2 or 3 feet apart, like scissors. And bend over that front leg, like a hinge. Reaching as far as possible.

7.Repeat #6, but bend your front knee. Do #6 and #7 for both legs.

8. On your hands and knees, inhale, and arch your back, exhale and press it out. Called the cat stretch. Do this, for 10 reps.

9.Stand, and cross one arm across your chest and make an L with the other one, hugging it close to you. Repeat for both.

10. Reach one hand behind your back, like you have an itch and press on it with your opposite hand. Repeat for both arms.

11. Sit, with one leg crossed, putting your leg on the opposite side, and push on your knee with your elbow, stretching your spine. Take care of those spines, they help you live and walk right. It is, the "backbone" of your body.

12. Get in the push up position, and push back, having legs straight. And bend one ankle. Stretching your calf. Repeat on each side, up to 10 times.

Those, are pretty much the basics.

There is a more in depth stretching guide, I will be writing soon. For now, do these daily. But, at least 2 hours before you work out.

 You don't want to do static exercises before working out. You want to do dynamic stretches, such as.
Body squats, pot stirs, etc.
These will open up your muscles and get them warm for working out.
More on those tomorrow.

Stay strong, stay fit, stay active, and stay healthy.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Yesterdays post about fitness, and over complication, in case you happened to miss it!

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

Until another time,


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fitness: Quit Over-Complicating It.

  We are all guilty of this in our lifetime. We over complicate things. We get so caught up in the lights and glamour of things. We have so many options. So many avenues, and they all claim to the be "right answer".
This place says, do high this and low that. This place says, the opposite. One says, heavy this, one says light that. Another says to follow this routine, another says that routine is bogus.
  It can be quite overwhelming. But, I am here to shed some light for you all. The truth is, there is no "right" or "wrong" way. But, there is effective and non-effective. Depending, on exactly what your end goal is.

  So you want to lose weight? But, not sure where to begin? Join the millions of other people who are researching along side you. Who are so overwhelmed with all the information.
  First off, forget all you have ever been taught. Forget all the health and fitness magazines. It's all just for show, to sell their supplements. Those big jacked guys, are simply on steroids. And you won't get those results without them.

  Okay, so, you're looking for a plan to help lose that fat.
First thing's first: WALK.
Just go for a walk, 30 minutes a day. That isn't such a big commitment, is it? You can walk around your neighborhood, get some sunlight. Anything, just walk for 30 minutes a day. It will get your fat loss jump started. Help your cardiovascular system. Help your bone structure. Your posture will improve. It will help your health seven fold.
  That is your first step, just to walk, make the commitment, and promise to yourself.

 Second step, is to find a program. Now, a lot of programs well quite frankly, suck. They give you all these complicated exercises, with all these crazy machines that twist your body into unnatural positions.

The ONLY exercises you will need, to build muscle and lose fat:
-Squat.(front and back)
-Bench Press.
-Overhead Press.
-Power Cleans(and press)
-Bent over row
-Pull ups.

That's it. Those are all full body movements, all of them shock your CNS(central nervous system), enough to promote either fat loss or muscle gain. (depending on your level of nutrition)

Now, starting out, you can also use body weight movements.
-Body squats.
-Body lunges.
-Bear Crawls.
-Planks (for core stability)
-Plyometrics(depends on your fitness level)

And you don't need a gym membership or fancy equipment, if you cannot afford it. Simply find heavy things to lift around the house. Anything to jump start your metabolism. Just get active.


Those are the three major items you can buy, to use.

There are also different ways, such as tire flips/sledge hammer slams (like the UFC fighters use).

Those movements can be sort of advanced though.

Don't buy into the hype of all the items you see on tv, all the advertisements. All the information saying you need to do biceps and triceps and all that to make them look good.
You can do full body movements, and it can help grow all your secondary muscles. Like your biceps and triceps.
  Don't complicate yourself. And do what works for you. A good starting routine for strength and muscle gains (also fat loss):
(this follows the 5X5 aspects (5 sets of 5 reps each, as heavy as you can go)
 5 sets of 5 reps each
5 sets till failure.
-standing barbell press
5 sets 5 reps each
-bench press
5 sets 5 reps each

Tuesday:Do your walking.

-Dead lift
5 sets 5 reps each
-bent over barbell row
5 sets 5 reps each
-upright row
5 sets 5 reps each.
-push ups
5 sets till failure

Thursday: Do your walking.

-Squat(front) (until you can do power cleans)
5 sets 5 reps each.
-Shrugs(dumbbell is better, but barbell works)
5 sets 5 reps each
-Front raises (barbell is better, but dumbbell is more versatile)
5 sets 5 reps each
-Dumbbell inclined bench press
5 sets 5 reps each

Saturday/Sunday:Do your walking.

That's it.
Age old workouts, that Arnold himself used. They're effective for muscle and strength gains. And fat loss.
These full body movements, such as dead lifts, power cleans, and squats. Tax your CNS, and send your body into a fat burning machine stage. Or a muscle building machine. Depending on your desired results. As long as you're getting stronger. It's working.

Do that, for 2-3 weeks. And if your strength gains aren't going up, change your diet up. Revise what you're doing inside the kitchen over all.

There you have it, the simplistic way of fitness. No glamour, no lights, no bullshit. Just simple, effective exercises.
Stop making it so complicated, thinking you have to follow some routine that makes you stay in the gym for 3 hours, doing all these "toning" exercises.
Now, long gym times aren't necessarily "bad" but, those are for different types of people. Such as strength athletes, training for strong man, and what not. That is a completely different world, for a different time.

Keep strong, keep healthy, keep active. And most importantly, STAY OFF THE SCALE.
Judge your fitness efforts by what your mirror says.

Until next time,

I will be discussing stretching, and how it can help you in your fitness and healthy life goals.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

If you need help with the food part: 
How to calculate calories: