Friday, January 8, 2016

Live to suffer, or suffer to live.

    "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering." I love that quote, by DMX. It resonates so true to life. Yet, so many of us seem to fall short of realizing that. We live in a bubble, and think that life is some magical place. Thinking that everyday will be 100% good. No suffering here. Until, you are hit so hard, that bubble pops and you are thrown into reality with no recollection of how you got there. The fact of the matter is stands, that living means suffering. You have to find a meaning in that suffering, to survive in this world.

    Your suffering, might be big it might be small. Someone might even see your suffering as trivial. "You never went to war, you've never been poor, done this or that. You don't know suffering!" We hear people say this all the time. When in reality, we all suffer differently. Tell that girl who had hoped she would get the job she wanted, that her suffering is nothing. Tell that guy who didn't make the cut on the team, or that high school kid who got denied the college of their dreams. We all have different sufferings, different levels of suffering. Different scenarios of suffering, that others may not see as bad. It is all how you perceive it. 

    We choose the suffering we have in our life. We choose weather we want to suffer good, or bad. If we want to find meaning in the suffering we have, or want to just suffer and let it overtake our lives. It goes back to the whole, feeding the negative I talked about previously. You choose to suffer and feed that negative, with more negative. Or you choose to find meaning in the suffering and feed the negative with positive. Which one are you choosing? At this very moment in time, what are you choosing? Are you choosing to be positive and find a meaning in that suffering? Or, are you being negative about your situation?

    When you choose to find meaning in your own suffering, it is an enlightening moment. You finally get in that perspective, that you have the ability to change your surroundings by changing yourself. Changing your inner self, and inner perspective to change your outer perspective. You choose your level of suffering. You may be living in a terrible place, no money, no food, no anything. But, weather you suffer, is up to you. You can choose to find that meaning, and live a healthier life feeding your negative a positive energy. Or you can choose to feed negative with negative and make your situation worse. 
You can choose to live to suffer, or suffer to live.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

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