Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Supplements, Do You Need Them? Are They Worth the Money?

  Ah, supplements. We all want to "get big fast" or "lose the inches in a few days".
Hell, I'm even guilty of it. When I first started working out, and nutrition. I spent over $100.00 on supplements. That hardly did any good, if not did bad to my body. I spent over, $450.00 on my share of supplements, and I have used my share of "free" ones. I quoted free, because as my favorite highschool teacher use to say, "There is no such thing as a free lunch" Meaning, even if it's free for you, someone had to pay for it.
  Anyways, back on track now.
Supplements, everyone uses them, everyone wants them. I mean, who wouldn't? Look at those muscle magazines, all these jacked and ripped dudes, and even girls, holding these supplements. And of course, they show those articles, of people who "transformed" because of the supplements. Or those stories, of how the supplements helped them so much. And then, there is the big dude, endorsing them. Claiming that they got those muscles by taking that powder, or pill. It's simply, unrealistic. Sure, those supplements help but truth is. You won't get that big, without steroids. It's physically impossible. Don't let anyone fool you.

  So, you're wondering, why am I bashing supplements? Well, I'm not exactly "bashing" them. Some are good. There are good protein powders, and such. But, the majority. Is shit. Plain and simple. Let me explain:

There are,
Protein powders(whey, caseine, soy, rice, isolates, pea, etc)
Creatine.(which I will say, does help a bit, one supplement I stand behind)
Fat burners
Thermogenic pills
Testosterone boosters
Amino Acids

Too many to name, really. The list goes on and on.
Now, a lot of these powders and riddled with dyes, and artificial sugars/flavors. Which, harm the body.
A lot, are simply unnecessary. Protein powders, do little for the body. When you can just eat a chicken breast.
Most have a lot of artificial ingredients (with the exception of "organic"(there is that word again) Protein powders)
Your pre workouts, well those are just a lot of stimulants and artificial ingredients. Drink some black coffee, and suck it up.
Intra workouts, do little to help you. Especially, when half the ingredients are again, artificial.
Post workout, well that's just unnecessary carbs and protein(again with lots of artificial ingredients)
Most testosterone boosters, well, have ingredients that either. Simply don't work, or they aren't a big enough dosage.
You can get most of your amino acids, from eating meat.
The only product I will stand behind, is creatine, if you want that pump. But, all it does is basically pull water to your muscles.

  You can get, most of your essential ingredients from natural sources. Such as food, and a quality multivitamin.
Now, one product line I support, is Onnit. They have good, all natural ingredients. The products work. And, they aren't full of artificial ingredients.
So, next time you pick up your copy of a muscle mag. And you see those big ripped body builders. Don't buy into the hype.
  Humans, survived and got stronger, bigger and ripped. More lean. Without those supplements. They ate food, and they did work. They stayed active. They walked daily, they did things that physically challenged them. They were in controlled stressful situations that made their bodies work.
  So instead of grabbing that $50.00 tub of protein. Buy $50.00 worth of meat. You'd be surprised how much more effective it is for you.

  Also, those fat burners/thermo pills.
Are junk, and can be dangerous. Unless you get prescription diet pills(Which I HIGHLY advise against).
They aren't going to do shit.
Your body responds to diet, and physical activity.
Quit fueling the fire, don't feed the beast. Maybe they will change. "Organic" and "all natural" products cost a tad more. But if you are looking for supplements, quality over quantity is a must.
Because, 20 years from now, you may be looking back wishing you had spent an extra $10.00 a month and not gotten that disease, or whatever.

  Be smart, be healthy, and most importantly Stay active.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:


I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

In case you missed it, or you're new around here: http://coreysperspective.blogspot.com/2015/10/my-introduction-pt-1.html
Until next time,

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