Monday, January 18, 2016

The Basics: Calories, Carbs, Fats & Proteins.

  As you sit there, you find yourself wanting to lose weight. More so, lose fat. You've tried everything. Every weightloss and fatloss pill known to man. The atkins diet, every diet you've heard of. You even went as far as to making yourself not eat for weeks at a time, because, well let's face it. No food=No Fat, right?
  Nothing could be further from the truth. Your body needs a certain amount of calories to survive.
Now, that isn't saying that fasting, isn't useful. Even Intermittent Fasting, (fasting for certain hours/eating for certain said hours).
We will touch on that in a different post.

  Today I want to highlight the basics:


These are all key factors in determining your body composition, and exactly how your body functions.
Now, just a disclaimer. I take a different approach to this than most. Because I have different beliefs, the research is all there. Most call this "low carb" Some call it "paleo dieting" It is simply known as, going primal. Being in touch with your primal instincts and primal ancestors.

With that being said, here is how I break it down.

  So, protein is a major role. It helps build muscle, and regulate your body. Helps you recover and get stronger. It released the anabolic hormones inside your body. Protein is the key to either fat loss or muscle gains.
  Our ancestors ate a lot of protein, but also they ate it when they could get it. Sometimes days at a time without a bite. We of course, go to the stores and buy frozen packaged meats. That are so pumped with chemicals, it is hardly meat anymore. Our ancestors, of course hunted for their food daily. That is how they stayed active. It was either, hunt or be hunted. Needless to say, when they got meat they gorged. Protein is one of the building blocks of a nutritious and healthy life.

  You want to get grass fed meats, such as: Beef, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Bison, Venison, etc. Turkey too, but fatty meat is where you should look, I will explain why later. 
You don't want too much protein, but don't want too little. I usually have a big helping of meat, and some nuts and what not. It usually gives me enough protein to sustain my body. You don't exactly NEED 300 grams of protein, save that for the ones injecting the steroids (not saying I am against that).
Your body will do just fine with 100-150 grams. 

  Now fats, well fats are essential for life. Good fats and bad fats. You want quality fats, animal fats. Or fats like coconut oil, and olive oil, or advacadoes, anything but processed junk. The fats you get from a box of food, has no nutritional values. Anything packaged and riddled with chemicals, and preservatives is simply, not food anymore it is so altered. Buy whole foods. "organic foods"

 I quote that term, because it aggravates me.
"organic" like it is suppose to be different.
"organic food" is what our parents and parents parents and those before them called, real food.
Just food. That is what they ate daily. Because, the chemicals just weren't there.
Look for grass fed "organic". They must put a label on the shit that is good for you. So look for those labels, is it a little more? Sure, but cancer is expensive too. So is heart disease, diabetes, and multiple medications from multiple doctors.
  What path do you want? choose wisely. Because you only get this one life. 
Anyways, back on topic.

Ah, these things are tricky. We have simple and complex carbs. Some that are fast and some that are slow.
They all turn to glucose in the blood and the body. Yet, the type, depends on how your body reacts.
If you eat, a whole bowl of potatoes and some sugar cookies. Sure you'll get the same amount of carbs as say, two or three bags of broccoli. But, broccoli effects the body in a different way. Not only does it have a whole host of other nutrients, your body can absorb the carbs better. The potatoes and cookies(which are riddled with additives and chemicals) will turn to glucose, or sugar faster. Not to mention those pesky grains, (there they are again)
Those things, that man ate for, tens of thousands of years before us. And, they were healthy. They lived, virtually disease free.  

These things (grains) lead to so many problems, 
digestive problems, stomach problems, they're hard on our bodies. On our organs, and on our  brains (yes, they fog our brains).
Plus, they leave you hungry for more.
Try and eat a whole meal loaded with carbs,
fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn (yes, corn is a grain, funny right?), and some pie for desert (I quite enjoy some apple pie though, well use to)
And tell me, if you aren't hungry an hour or so later, if not sooner. (go on, report back to me, if you aren't.. congratulations) most people will keep scarfing their faces till they almost puke.
Candy, chips, bread, corn, potatoes, pre packaged meals, breaded foods, friend foods.
They all are haphazardly eaten and thrown into the mouths of people. They don't see the negative effects until it's too late.

  You could eat a whole bag of candy and still be hungry, They are empty calories.
Sugar and carbs. They do nothing for your body, when you shovel in a three musketeers, or a milky way. Why do you think they have the chips and candy at every register?
It's a marketing ploy to sell more, "oh I will get a quick snack for the road" You eat it and 15 minutes later, you're hungry.
AND WORSE OFF, they actually advertise some on the tv, (not saying names *cough* Snickers *cough*) As curbing your hunger. It's asinine.

Okay, Rant over.
As I was saying, Grains= BAD, avoid them.
Eat a diet rich in  animal fat and protein, nuts, fruit and berries (sparingly) lots of veggies (green is best) but a variety of colored veggies is key.
Drink plenty of water (but don't over drink, just when you're thirsty) and just keep active.

Calories: before I forget, a calorie isn't just a calorie.
They effect the body differently, 100 calories of spinach, will greatly be treated differently by the body than 100 calories of bread or of those "100 calorie snacks"
It's all marketing.

Speaking of marketing, tune in tomorrow, Where I pick apart the supplement companies. Bit by bit.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Yesterday's post, in case you missed it!

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:
Until a later time,


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