Sunday, January 17, 2016

So, You Want to Lose Weight?

Simple, right?
Eat as little food as you can. Near none, just eat some a tiny little bit of food daily. And watch the pounds just melt off.
Wrong. Eating no food, will actually have the negative effect. You can actually GAIN weight.
I know, I know most of you are probably screaming at your screens right now.
Holding your heads already, not getting it.

  Your body, is a very complex structure. Yet it is so simple to change.
The formula in its most simplistic form is as follows:
Calories in<Calories out.

There is a difference with, "weight loss" and "fat loss".

Our aim, is for fat loss.

Some Basic Terminology for along the way:

1). BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate): The base amount of calories, you would need if in a comatose state, to maintain your body composition.
2). NEAT (Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis): Calories burned by non exercise activities (washing dishes, walking, talking, etc). Also called incidental exercise, something everyone has a good amount of control over.
3). EAT (Exercise Associated Thermogenesis): Calories from planned exercised.
4). TEF (Thermic effect of feeding): Calorie expenditure associated with eating.
5). TEE (Total Energy Expenditure): The total calories you require, basically to live and be healthy.

In a more complex form, here is the formula to use as a measure on how to lose fat:

BMR= 370 + (21.6 x LBM) Where LBM = [Total weight (kg) x (100 - Bodyfat %)]/100

LBM=Lean Body Mass.

Now, in order to decide what you need total, you must factor in your Activity level:


1.2= Sedentary (desk job and light exercise)
1.3-1.4= Lightly active (light daily activity, and light exercise 1-3 days)
1.5-1.6= moderately active (moderate daily activity and moderate exercise 3-5 days)
1.7-1.8= Very active (Physically demanding lifestyle and hard exercising 6-7 days a week)
1.9-2.2= Extremely Active (Athlete in endurance training or a VERY HARD and physical job)

You Take your BRM x Your activity level.
To get your total required calories.

Now, in order to lose weight, you take and minus 20% from that, and eat those calories.
Eat that for 2 weeks, if no loss, re-calculate and minus a tad more.
Never got below 1500 for men, and 1200 for women,
not for a prolonged time.

That is the basics for now.
I will get more in detail about macronutrients(Carbs, Fats, Protein)
What role they play, and how much of each you should be eating.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

In case you missed it, or you're new here:

Weight loss, will bring suffering, here's my post on suffering:

Until next time,

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