I heard of an Author named Eckhart Tolle, and his book The Power of Now. This book changed my life so much. So much so, that I am on my third time listening to the audio book. The power of now is a powerful book, no pun intended. It taught me to live in the now. Living in the now, is the most amazing feeling you can ever experience. Once you let those past demons go, and you let the future hold you have on your life go. You just live for today. For this very moment. Nothing more, nothing less. You exist in this very moment, and only this moment. Another book, by John Eldredge titled Wild at Heart has also influenced a lot of my life. Along with a book by author John C Parkin, titled Fuck it Therapy: The Profane Way to Profound Happiness.These three books, have influenced the person I am becoming daily. I learned things I never would have without these three books.
Live is short, and living in the past is such a bad idea. Living in the past will only hinder your future, and living in the future will only hinder your present. Living in the now, will clear any past problem you have had. Living in the now, will clear out any worry you have for the future. What is the point of worrying about the future? You have no idea what will happen in the future. Any number of things are possible. The world could end in any second. Live in that second. You'll never get this second back. You'll never experience this exact moment you are living right now, ever again. Let me put into perspective just how short our lives are.
9/11 was done 15 years ago. I was born in 1992, that is 23(almost 24) years ago. My grandmother is in her 80's. We look at 80 years and think that is a long time. The biblical times were more than 4,000 years ago. That may seem like a long time. And, it is. But, to the world, it is but a blip. The world is MILLIONS of years old. You are living in THIS exact moment, for a reason. Live in it. Not in the past, the past is a million years ago. Not in the future, the future is a million years away. That 80 years, isn't very far away now is it? You could blink, and be 50 and wonder where those 30 years went. You could wake up tomorrow, or you could die in your sleep. You could walk in front of a bus, a car, get hit by a plane. Get shot, stabbed, get cancer and suffer. Get hooked on drugs, and become and addict and die in an alley somewhere. You could wake up, and choke on food. Drown in the bath tub. There are thousands of ways you could die. Is that second you're living in so long now?
The times we live in, are limited. But, we are limitless. We have the power to do anything we want. Why are we limiting ourselves by looking at the past? Why are we limiting ourselves by growing up so fast? Rekindle that kindred spirit from your childhood. Stop growing up so fast. Live in the now. Go for a walk. Hug and kiss your significant other. Play with your kids. Play with your pets. Write that book you always talked about writing. Write that poetry you use to write. Learn that instrument you gave up 10 years ago. Play some basketball. Get out and get some fresh air. Live in the now, because you never know what the next second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year has in store. You never know if YOU will be a part of it. The world keeps spinning when you're dead. You're gone, and the world doesn't stop. Why do you stop? Keep ever moving.
We like to speculate that we know what happens when we die. We like to believe in the idea of an afterlife. So we limit out life. Live in the now, because that afterlife you look towards could of couldn't exist. Live in the now, because you never know if you'll be able to live in the tomorrow. Change your life, for the now. Let go of the past, all the pain, all the misery you may have had. Let go of your preconceived notions of the future. We are but temporary beings on a temporary rock, that is part of a billion other rocks in the plane of existence we live in.
"100 years from now everyone who is living on this planet will be dead. So it's inconsequential really all the shit that you talk. All the bullshit that you stand for. It's more important what, what you're ready to build. What you're ready to build. What you're ready to pass down to your children. What you'r ready to create."- Immortal Technique.
Remember, when you're thinking that life sucks and it's so long. That quote above. You'll be gone in 100 years from now. And, live in the now of life. Instead of chasing the future, and living in the past.
Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:
I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.
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