Sunday, January 17, 2016

Speak Your Mind, Don't Mind Your Speak.

    Fear of repercussion, fear of hurting feelings, fear of being opinionated. We mute ourselves, out of fear. We mute ourselves out of being scared, scared to be ourselves in a world where everyone wants to be the same. Everyone wants to be the next this or that, instead of being themselves. We look up to people, who talk a lot of shit. Yet, we won't do what those people do. The world is full of shit talkers, who speak their minds, and they make money doing it. They speak about what they want, without fear of repercussion, without fear of what others will think. What good is a life, if you have no voice? What good is freedom of speech, without exercising it?

    Why do we censor ourselves for someone else's ignorant fucking mind? I do my best not to swear a lot, sure, just out of respect. That's my own reserve, not yours. Say what you want, when you want. People lose their voice, and let others talk for them. I know I have in the past. I let people dictate my life, my family and friends. I never listened to myself, my inner voice screaming at me to tell everyone to fuck off and shut up. I was scared, I was in fear of my life crumbling away because of my outspokenness. That, in fact hasn't happened. It's gotten so much, much, much better since I decided to push away the people who dictate the negativity in my mind. Those who plant the seeds of distrust and fear into my consciousness. I decided when enough was enough. Now it's your turn, tell those people who try to plant the negativity in your life and make you speak and live a life that you don't WANT to live, to go to hell. Live your life. Live it well. Live it like YOU want to live it. Live it with no reserve, with no fear of who's feelings you'll hurt. Never apologize for being yourself, for having your own opinion.

    That being said, speaking your mind does come with some guidelines. 
Just because you think something is right, does not MAKE it right. You reserve the right, to believe it is. As does the other person who thinks their way is right. You may speak your mind, as may someone else. This does not mean you resort to cussing them out, and belittling them. With great power comes great responsibility. Such as, with speaking your mind comes the ability to see others opinions and points of view. Does that mean you must accept it as truth? No, you can call bullshit all day. I am saying, from my experience, it is better to stay humble and to just agree to disagree. 

    What good does it do, yourself, that person and the world if you are screaming and hollering and cussing at each other about your opinions? It brings the very negativity that you were trying to get away from. So what someone else disagrees with you? Fuck it, that's their right. As it is yours to disagree with me, or anyone else. Shit, I disagree with half the shit I say sometimes. I'm just talking shit, and expressing my mind through my experiences. What I have read, what I have seen, experienced first hand, things I have learned in my studies, things I have been told and shown. It's all my point of view. Maybe, I might say something about life or religion, maybe something about health that you don't disagree with. You reserve the right to tell me I'm wrong. Maybe you'll even show me some evidence that proves me wrong. I will thank you, and move on. 

    It's humbling when you decide to just let things go. Don't be a push over, and let people disrespect you on and dictate your life. But, if someone disagrees with you let it be. Speak your mind. Speak it well. Be yourself in this world, where everyone wants to be the same. Follow your own path, not the path society has paved for us. Look at the path in front of you, and ask yourself these questions:

1. Who's path is this I am following at this very moment?
2. Do I speak my mind?
3. If #2 was yes, do people often dictate to me how to speak or that I shouldn't talk about the things I do?
4. If #3 was a yes, how do I react? Do I tell them it's my opinion that I am entitled to? Or, do I change myself to better their lives?

Look over your answers, and change your life to better yourself not someone else. You only get one life, you only get one shot at the moment you're living right now. Don't waste it answering to anyone else. Mostly, follow in the foot steps of all those successful people. Follow every comedian who was told they would never make it. Every actor or actress who was told Hollywood wasn't achievable. All the musicians who were on the grind with no money, making $15 a show or sometimes nothing. All those athletes who said they'd never make it. Follow in their foot steps, and not give a single fuck what anyone says about you and your dreams. Go out, follow that shit, and take your life back from the hands of those who would see you fail at what you love to do what they want for your agenda. Take your life back, before it is suffocated.

Until next time,

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

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