Mention those three letters, and everyone suddenly knows everything about life. The words, creationism and evolution are heavily debated topics. One side says a higher being of power created all things around us. While, opposite that, the other side says we were all born of stardust. And, god forbid you argue against either of them. Radical Christians and radical evolutionists. The argument is never ending.
The Bible, The Quran, The Book of Mormon, The Torah, Spiritualism, The Book of Law, Buddhism, the list goes on. You could write a post simply about the "holy books" of history and modern society. Every single day, someone is trying to create a new religion. Remember Scientology? People are always looking for the blanket to keep them safe. The next thing to follow. We all look for that safety net in the end, weather it be God, or weather it be drugs, it could be food. A countless number of things.
The age old questions always get asked, "who is god?" "what is god?" "where did he or she come from?" The list of questions goes on forever. Why do good things happen to bad people? Why would god allow this? How did his son dying, help erase our sins? What is a sin? Why are sins so bad? Heaven? Hell? What are these? Where are these? You see, an list of questions arises. And still, we follow our faith. Many look towards God, some towards Allah, some Mohammed and so forth. Some worship Buddah, and some worship the trees and the land. I myself, have no preference. I do not follow "religion" I feel religion is a complex, made up to simply give choice to choiceless people.
Am I denying the existence of a God? No, I believe this universe is all intertwined like this very internet we are on. A complexity of circuits, all working together. Heaven and Hell are merely concepts, of success and failure. You create your own life, your own universe, upon the template given to you by the higher power out there. The idea of god, is merely what you want to make it. Do not let it control you, like so many others. Many people use the idea of God to control their lives with fear. I tell you now, to be fearless. Do not forget your faith. But do not let your faith forget you, do not let your faith control you. One wrong move, and its blasphemy. One wrong word, and you're condemned to a life of eternal hell fire and torture.
You see where I am coming from? The mind is a powerful tool, use it for a good purpose and you will make it wherever you want in life. But, fail to use its full potential? You are already condemned to a life full of hell and misery. There is a quote I like, "A coward dies a thousand death, a warrior dies but one". Don't be a coward, because of your belief. Be a warrior for what you believe in. Fight for what you believe, but do not be ignorant. Do not be a mindless drone, arguing what you were taught your whole life. Everything you have ever been told is a lie. It is up to you, to figure out what the lies and the truths are yourself. Go out, and create yourself.
Day and night, the sun and the moon. Negative and positive. They are all connected to one another. All things exist and all things do not exist, at the same time. What you see, is not always what is real, and what is real is not always what you are seeing. Take for instance, Christmas which is touted as the Christian holiday on which Jesus was born. It actually started out as a Pagan holiday, which was about sacrifice. Easter? A holiday about fertility and sex. You see? What we are taught to believe of reality, is not so real after all.
If you take anything away from this, anything at all. I would have you take this message away. Do not fall into line behind all the others. Do not do something, simply because it is the socially normal thing to do. Follow your own path, and fear not the repercussions. Live your life as if it is your last day. And whatever you do, do not fall into the God Complex, created to scare you into line with the rest of the socially inept.
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