Thursday, January 28, 2016

You Are Not Who You Think You Are.

  So often, we want to identify ourselves with a certain aspect of the world. Or, of life in general. We want to feel like we belong, like we are important to something. We want to BE things, we want people to KNOW we are those things. That, is where so many of us go wrong. We want to identify with things we think will make us feel whole. All the while, it is imprisoning us even further. We strive to become something when, in reality, we are everything we need to be. At this very exact moment in time, you have the tools you need to succeed in anything you choose. But, do not identify yourself as those things. Do not let the things you do, define who or what you are.

  I myself, do not identify myself as anything. I am not a man, nor am I a woman. I am not a human, nor am I an alien. I am neither alive, nor dead. I just am. I am here, in this moment as a sentient being of a planet, so vast and so versatile, that I can do anything I choose to do. We simplify the world so much, that our technological advances will be our downfall. Sure, it's nice to pick up a computer or a phone and talk to people globally. I mean, millions of years ago, the only people you thought existed were those who you were raised with. But now, we have access to BILLIONS of others. We have the power, to go anywhere and do anything. We have cars, planes, helicopters, boats and trains. You name it, we can travel on or in it. Yet, we shut ourselves down. We shut out the world, and destroy our means of survival.

  Many people, think the President is a higher power because of him being in a position of power. The same goes for law enforcement and others of a "higher ranking". Those, are all social marks we put on the people who have done things with their lives. Is it good, to be in a position of power? Yes, in some aspects. But, it is when you let yourself become that power and that power define you that you have a problem. Do not, think for a moment that you are better than I or anyone else just because you have a "higher" social ranking. It goes back to high school. Or ever further back, to adolescence. Even your birth day. When we are born, we are automatically imprisoned into this world. We are given a number, that defines our every waking moment. Our whole being is categorized by a number.

  Furthermore, when we grow older and are able to start moving around. We are told "no" the infamous word heard world wide. You ask something, "no" you are told. You want something, "no" you are told. You are told you are a bad child, when you throw a tantrum. You are told it is WRONG to express your emotions. Another prison. The inability to express your true feelings. So you grow older, and you begin using the word NO. Many parents, and non parents alike, know that world. A child says it all the time. It is what they are taught from day 1. But, they are punished for it. Scolded and put in a "time out" because of using it. But, the parents and adults alike still tell the child "no". "I'm hungry mommy/daddy". The response? "No, you just ate 2 hours ago you'll be fine".

  You are told, what you like. Why you like. Who you like. What to wear. When to eat. What to eat. What to do. What to say. How to say. How to act. You don't run your life as a child. And this progresses into school. You are told all those things and more. You eat at certain times. You can only play at certain times. You are told how you must dress in "public". You are told when and how to talk. You SIT there all day, 8 hours, in a classroom. Learning things out of a book, that others tell you is the "right thing". And this progresses into middle school.

  The rules get stricter. The world buckles down on you. It has to right? Or else, you'd be completely out of control. Am I right? Or, is this just a teaching we use to further imprison people? The older we get, the longer we sit. In school, we lose the ability to go outside. So we are stuck, sitting all day. We grow older. and reach high school. And, this trend progresses. We are told, you must dress proper. To act proper. To talk properly and sit more. Sit, sit, sit and more sitting. We are told to get a job, A job, where most of us sit. Or we slave away at something that makes us unhappy. We are told this is our JOB, our PLACE to do these things. Only because if we fail to do so, we are labeled as "not fit" for society.

  Now, am I saying that having a job is bad? By no means am I saying that. I, also, am not saying that we do not need to WORK. We simply don't need a "job". You must work on yourself, you must work for the world. Not, for a company nor for an organization that does not better YOU. Why slave away years of your limited life, for someone or something that does not make you happy. You make them happy everyday. You make them money, they are living the high life. While you live paycheck to paycheck. Thinking, that is your only means of income. When in reality, your TRUE income is how you pay yourself. How you pay your body. How you choose to pay your soul, you are entitled to whatever you want for your mind. You have a plethora of information, information not seen for millions of years by so many, with the internet now you can make yourself knowledgeable in anything you choose. Why do you choose social media? Why do you choose to do things that make you unhappy? There is a world of things, that can fulfill your wildest ambitions.

  Do not, identify yourself as anything. You are not your job. You are not your music. You are not the way you dress. Nor how you act, how you feel. You are not the title you hold. You are not any better than anyone or anything else. You are simply, you. Free yourself from this fucking prison. Do not be held back, from your true purpose in life. So many years have passed us all by. How old are you? That's how long you've been in a prison. For me, that was 23 years. No more though. Do not worry about hurt feelings. Do not cry over spilled milk. A wolf, does not  concern himself with the opinions of sheep. BE that Lion. Be the leader of your own life. Break out of the prison, that is holding your life back.

  Be your true purpose.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

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I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

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