Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Diseases, Can You Cure or Even Prevent Them?

  We all ask the same question. "I have, such and such disease. What can I do?" It'san age old question, "I hate the side effects of my medicines, but I NEED THEM" No, let me stop you right there, you don't. You can change, prevent and even cure some if not all diseases.
  Some of you are sitting there, saying "well that cannot be, my doctor gave me this pills for a reason". The reasoning, is Big Pharma, and the prescription agenda. They make more money, off of people who have diseases that are easibly curable with diet change and supplementation of natural resources. But, they push these expensive and unnecessary medications, with a side effect list that is worse than what they are claiming to cure. My hnest opinion, they mask the underlying causes of diseases, poor nutrition and vitamin deficiences.

  These few items, can help you, with curing cancer. Yes CURING cancer. Preventing cancer, and a host of other diseases, including but not limited to:
-Heart disease
-Liver disease
-Cardiovascular disease
-Vascular diseases
-Hair loss
-Tooth decay
-Tumors(shrinking them)
  The list goes on and on. The number of diseases has grown to such a magnitude, since the early ages of man. They never knew diseases as of which we now know, The worst, was the bubonic plague. And even then, they used natural remedies to cure them.
  A lifestyle change is inevitible when faced with a life altaring or liffe threatening disease. More vegetalbles, more fruits, more meat, less starchy carbs.

These are the best natural ingredients to use, that can help rid your body of all sorts of toxins:
1.Apple cider vinegar.
  Apple cider vinegar has been used for the longest time as a natural remedy for acid reflux and a host of other stomach related problems
2. Honey.
  Honey, can be used for a number of things. From a natural allergy suppressant. To some quick energy. And, helping ward off pesky acne. It is a very versatile product.
3. Raw Coca powder(unsweetened).
  This, is a natural antioxadent that has more power than a cup of green tea. It was used along side green chillies(fresh), and vanilla. To make the first ever hot chocolate.
4. Coconut(oil).
  This, is the meca of all products. Curing and stopping cancer cells and tumors. Tooth health. Intestine health. Gut health. Hair and skin health. Brain clairty. You name it. Coconut can be used for it. The best part, is the coconut oil. But, coconut(raw), coconut milk and water are all great to use. This is a cure all, and a must in an everyday diet.
Lastly, I will talk about a controversial product, Hemp Oil.
The oil from the marijuana plant, has been shown to fight and stop cancer growth. And also help individuals be healthy. It is a highly controversial product, because of the recreational use of cannibis(which I don't frown upon). But, the oil, has a low THC count. And, can be used to help stop cancer.
There are many other products that can be used by the body, to help fight and ward off diseases. Also help prevent them.
Cayanne pepper.
The list goes on.
Inflamation, acne, poor circulation, obesity, etc.
These are all things a simple tweak or two of your diet can change.
Let me give you a start, to cleansing your system. Kevin James used this, to lose his weight.
I heard this on a Joe Rogan podcast(highly recoment listening/watching)
Drink one shake every morning:
Kale(one bundle)
Celery(2-4 stalks)
! Pear
1 cucumber
1 piece(about 2inches) of gigner root(fresh)
Make sure all ingredients are washed and fresh, no frozen, and no GMO.
Blend together(no wader needed)
And if you really want a kick, add a spoon full of chia seeds and or hemp seeds.
That shake will cleanse your body and get you on your road to fat loss.
So in closing, I recomend everyone follow a diet high in vegetables and fruits, use vitamins and supplements when needed. Use spices(organic) as much as wanted.
Moderate protein.
Basically, any potato product is eliminated. No corn (yes, again it is a grain)
Get active. Get moving.
And stay healthy,
Until next time,

Tomorrow, we will go over fitness, the do's and don't(s). And where most people make 
their mistakes.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

Did you miss last nights video?:

In case you missed it, or you're new around here:

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