Thursday, January 7, 2016

Feed the Negative.

    Now, you might just be thinking "Man, this guy has gone completely insane". Reading the phrase,
"Feed the negative", would have some people running for the hills. Why would we feed the negative? Isn't that the opposite of what we want to do? Isn't that completely against everything we are taught? We are taught to keep the negative out, to always be positive. The fact of the matter is, that's a complete lie. You never want to remove the negative 100% of the way out. It's just not plausible. There is ALWAYS going to be negativity. You will always feel some sort of negative. And, when you feel that negativity you should feed into it.

    By feeding it, I do not mean that you go completely negative yourself. What I mean, is to feed positive energy into the negative energy you are being hit with. To say, "My life is always positive, I never have negativity", is both ignorant and arrogant. Everyone has a negative feeling arise, a negative situation, negativity is everywhere. We can choose to fan the flames, or extinguish them, To pour more fuel on them(negative) or to pour water on them(positive). How we do this, is up to ourselves. We can choose to either ruminate on that which is nagging at us. Or, we can choose to move on and forget it ever happened. What you choose, is what you become.

    You see, you can take a negative situation and turn it positive. Or, you can keep it negative. The choice is yours. There are people out there, 10X, 100X worse off than you and I. They make it work. You get the luxury of sitting inside a warm house in the winter, and a cold house in the summer. A stocked refrigerator, blankets when you're cold, a fan or air conditioner when you're hot, prepackaged meals all you have to do is heat up for 2 minutes in a microwave. I mean come on, how NEGATIVE is your life. You can always find a positive. Am I saying, that prepackaged foods and all that are good? By no means, do I advocate eating that kind of diet. BUT, the point I am making, is a lot of people have nothing and STILL find a positive. Why can't you?

    Sit there, with the lights off, eyes closed, and think for a moment. Think of all the negative in your life. Think of how it effects you, how much it is impacting your life. Now, think of the positive. Think of how it effects you, how it is impacting your life. Open your eyes, and write down the negatives, and the positives. If your list for negatives is longer than positives, you have a problem only you can fix. Short of starvation and abuse, the negatives cannot be as bad as we perceive them to be. Then again, they may be. We all feel things differently. We all react differently to each situation. Take 10 people, and give them the same situation. Odds are, 10 different results.

    So, I guess in closing. Just think, think real hard about the negatives and positives in your life. When a negative arises, feed into it. Feed those positive energies into it. Because, only YOU can change your life. Only YOU can make the situation better. We have a 3 choices when faced with adversity:

Let it control you.
Let it define you.
Let is strengthen you.

What do you choose, to do with your negatives?

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

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