Friday, January 15, 2016

Chakra is as Chakra does.

    Our body is made up of a meridian, much like the earth. We "spin" on an axis. Our axis, or meridian, is compromised of 7 different centered points. Those points, are called our Chakra points. Those 7 Chakra points symbolize our entire being. Our entire consciousness is created from these 7 points.

Base/Root/Muladhara Chakra:
This chakra is the base of the body, it symbolizes with the Earth, our physical identity and is oriented to self-preservation. It is located at the base of the spine, it forms our foundation. Representing the human sense of grounding and connection to human bodies and the physical plane. In an ideal sense, this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security and dynamic presence.


Color: Red.
Life Principle: Survival and Safety.
Organ/System represented: Elimination.
Correct Balance: Stability, Health, Vibrant Energy.
Excess: Sluggishness and Constipation.
Depleted: Fear, Anxiety, Diarrhea.
Represented Crystal(a few examples): Hematite, Red Jasper, Smokey Quartz.
Yoga Poses(One example of many): Easy Pose with Mula Banda.
Food: Beets, Pomegranates, Apples.

Sacral/Swadisthana Chakra:
This chakra represents water, Emotional identity, it is oriented to self-gratification. It is the second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back and sexual organs. Related to the element water, our emotions and sexuality. In an ideal sense, this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling and sexual fulfillment in our lives.


Color: Orange.
Life Principle: Creativity and Sexuality.
Organ/System represented: Kidneys, Bladder, Reproductive.
Correct Balance: Sensuality, Joy, Creativity, Happiness.
Excess: Over Sensitivity, Obsessive Attachments.
Depleted: Insecurity, Fear, Guilt.
Represented Crystal(a few examples): Orange Aventurine, Carnelian. 
Yoga Poses(One example of many): Cobbler, Butterfly
Food: Oranges, Carrots, Nuts, Seeds.

Solar Plexus/Manipura Chakra:
This chakra is represented by Fire, the Ego identity, and oriented to self-definition. This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in our solar plexus. Ruling over our personal power, will and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. It brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.


Color: Yellow
Life Principle: Personal Power, Identity.
Organ/System represented: Digestive, Adrenal Gland.
Correct Balance: Strength, Willpower, Self-Esteem, Courage.
Excess: Controlling, Competitive, Power Hungry.
Depleted: Chronic Fatigue, Powerlessness, Poor Digestion.
Represented Crystal(a few examples): Tiger Eye, Citrine, Honey Calcite.
Yoga Poses(One example of many): Exalted Warrior.
Food: Corn, Yellow Sweet Corn, Yellow Lentils.

Heart/Anahata Chakra:
This chakra is represented by Air, social identity, and oriented to self-acceptance. Called the Heart chakra, and is the middle of the 7 chakra meridian. Related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche. It allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.


Color: Green.
Life Principle: Love.
Organ/System represented: Thymus Gland, Heart.
Correct Balance: Peace, Acceptance, Easily Gives and Receives Love.
Excess: Lack Empathy, Codependency, Jealousy.
Depleted: Loneliness, Shyness, Intolerance, Bitterness.
Represented Crystal(a few examples): Green Aventuirne, Rose Quartz.
Yoga Poses(One example of many): Sphinx, Puppy.
Food: Broccoli, Kale, Leafy Greens.

Throat/Visuddha Chakra:
This chakra represents Sound, creative identity and is oriented to self-expression. This chakra is located in the throat, and is related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration of sound representing language.


Color: Blue
Life Principle: Communication, Words, Truth.
Organ/System represented: Thyroid Gland, Throat, Vocal Chords. 
Correct Balance: Smooth Communications.
Excess: Gossip, Criticism, Excessive Talking, Hyperthyroidism, Loud Talking.
Depleted: Inability to Express One's Self, Hypothyroidism, Quiet Speaking.
Represented Crystal(a few examples): Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite. 
Yoga Poses(One example of many): Plow.
Food: Kelp, Blueberries.

Brow/Third-Eye/Ajna Chakra:
This chakra is represented by Light, Archetypal identity, and oriented self-reflection. Known as the Brow, or more frequently, Third-Eye center. Related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. It allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the bigger picture."


Color: Indigo.
Life Principle: Insight, Intuition. 
Organ/System represented: Brain, Eye, Nose, Pituitary Gland.
Correct Balance: Dream Recall, Intuition, Creativity, Visualization.
Excess: Headaches, Nightmares, Lack of Focus.
Depleted: Inability to Imagine or Visualize.
Represented Crystal(a few examples): Amethyst.
Yoga Poses(One example of many): Fish.
Food: Purple Potatoes, Purple Grapes, Blackberries.

Crown/Sahasrara Chakra:
This chakra is represented by Thought, Universal identity, and oriented to self-knowledge. The crown chakra relates to consciousness as pure awareness. This chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and our spiritual connection.


Color: Clear or Purple.
Life Principle: Understanding, Enlightenment.
Organ/System represented: Pineal Gland.
Correct Balance: Peace, Wisdom.
Excess: Day Dreamy, Superior Feeling Over Others.
Depleted: Skepticism, Difficulty Thinking. 
Represented Crystal(a few examples): Clear Quartz. 
Yoga Poses(One example of many): Headstand, Wheel.
Food: Plums, Eggplant.


Do you feel safe and secure in your life?
Patchouli oil, for its ability to be used as a base for many perfumes and oil blends. Hence, the "root" of the blends.
How is your sexual health? 
Clary Sage Oil, because of its characteristic of protection and ability to clear the negativity. 
How is your digestive health? How well does food sit with you?
Ginger oil, for its effect on digestive health and overall wellness.
How "broken" is your heart?
Rose oil because of its ability to make one feel safe and secure, it has been used in some PTSD cases as well. 
Do you have a hard time speaking in front of people?
Bergamot oil, because of its use in periods of sadness, my fiance has thyroid problems, and speaking problems when it comes to talking to people. We got her a chakra roller from a local health store. And, bergamot oil was one of the main ingredients.
How open is your mind?
Frankincense oil, because of its use in spiritual oil blends over the years. It is one of the oils given to the baby Jesus in the bible. In my eyes, that gives it a very profound characteristic.
Do you have a lot of fear?
Sandalwood oil, for its ability to bring a sense of inner peace.

    As you can see, the 7 chakras are a very important thing to pay attention to. If one chakra is out of alignment, it hurts all of them. As you can see above, our 7 chakras control every part of our lives. From feeling that we are save and secure, all the way up to having wisdom and peace within. The chakras are the most important part of our consciousness. We must realize, that our actions have reactions. When we destroy our body physically, metaphysically we will suffer. Our consciousness suffers, when our physical self suffers and vice versa. When we destroy ourselves internally, externally we suffer. Pay mind to what you ingest, weather it be food or information. Pay mind to who you spend your time with. Pay mind to who you let into your consciousness. Make sure, to bring balance to your life and your 7 chakras. Align your meridian, align your chakras and live your life in perfect harmony.

I Know
I See
I Speak
I Love
I Do
I Feel
I Am

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

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