Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Color Grey.

"Everything is black and white". A phrase heard globally. And, everyone assumes it is true. I mean, there has to be two opposing sides to everything, right?
  Things have to be so simple. It's either one side, or the other. You're either for something, or against it. There is no "in between" in most of the lives on this planet. You are told you must either pick and choose. You cannot "sit on the fence" as it is referred to. I am here to tell you, you don't have to choose which side to sit on. You can, in fact, sit on the proverbial "fence". Because there is no defined sides. The sides we define, are just perceptions of our own minds. What we think, we become.

  In politics, we have Democrats and Republicans. Each of those sides, have "differing" opinions. And those who believe those ideals, are therefore considered one side or the other. Conservatives and Liberals. Light and Dark. People,  believe their ideals are right. But, they're both right, and they're both wrong. It depends on the person. You see, we have our own perspectives, our own perception of the world. For you to go up to somebody and say, "YOUR view is wrong, because I myself do not view it that way." Is asinine, its arrogant and it is downright disrespectful. It is like, pissing in a cup and calling it beer because you drank a 6 pack, so you say it's beer. Your opinion is not the only opinion on the planet. So why do you make it out that it is?

    We get in the groove, this "light and dark" groove. We think everything is all one sided. If it isn't Democrat, its obviously Republican right? Those crazy right wingers, stupid left wing liberal hippies. It's been this way for decades, upon decades, because nobody has questioned the structure upon how society has been built. Why would be question something that is our way of life? It has been that way for many generations. Everyone falling into line, accepting what is told, is told, and that is that. When in the reality of it, that is so far wrong that it isn't even plausible to think otherwise. The world is NOT black and white. It is in fact, many colors of many different shades. That all blend into one big ass color grey.

    Things, are never as they seem. What you see, someone else does not see. All 7 billion plus people, see things in a different perspective. So of course, it cannot just be black and white. It is 7 billion shades of grey. Every shade, adding to the overall picture. None of us have the right way, nor the wrong way of doing things. Everyone likes to believe that they have the right answers. And, anyone who doesn't agree is wrong. That is how empires are formed, and that is ultimately how they will fall. Like the Roman Empire, who thought their way was the BEST way. For the time being, it was the best. But, everything good comes to an end, as did the Roman Empire. And, it happened Internally.

    Stay humble, when voicing your opinion, and when faced with a rebuttal and you are thinking of voicing your opinion on their opinion of your opinion, stop and think "What impact may my words have on them?", "Is my way really the ONLY right way?". If you ask yourself those two questions, you can never go wrong when the universe gives you an answer back. Because, your first response before asking those questions was probably bullshit. Which was most likely, going to be some sort of insult. We all have those urges. When someone aggravates us, and they say we are wrong. When they just get under the skin, our first instinct is to attack. When behind a keyboard, you cannot punch someone. Your next best defense is your mind, but far too often our minds go into slave mode and we throw insults out at each other. This, gets us nowhere but backwards. We are trying to progress as a society, and our technological advancement is far too fast for our intellectual advancement to catch up.
    We have 9 year old girls giving sex shows on webcams, kids having access to websites with pornography, drugs and violence. We have people literally taking their own life, because of the words of another person. People are SO caught up in the acceptance of others, that if you insult their clothes, or the way they look, they starve themselves or they kill themselves. Or, they will do anything to gain your approval. Even if they do not know you. With technology, you can now see a woman's naked body, without even meeting her. What once was a holy ground, a sacred gesture only those who were worthy enough to see, is now seen by millions. A few typed words, and a woman will send you pictures without clothes. Spread eagle, for the world to see. Without even seeing your real face or hearing your voice. It is a sad sad world we live in. Yet, everything everyone says is always the right answer. It's never wrong. But, it's always wrong.

    There is a paradox here, somewhere, when people get into arguments. These arguments, are at such a 3rd grade level sometimes, I worry for our world. When you resort to name calling, as your rebuttal, you are in fact, wrong. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. You are 100% wrong. This will invoke anger in your "opponent" and, they will rebuttal with the same if they are wired like you are. Most people are, most people are wired by society. Society is always wrong, but they're never wrong. They're never right, but they're always right. Confused yet?

This is why wars are started, and fought. Over people, will differing opinions on how the world should be ran.

    The point I am trying to make, in all this confusion, is this. The world, society as a whole, tends to think on the premise that there are two equal sides to the fence. When in reality, there is more to the world than black and white. There are more than two sides. There are 7 billion sides. The media, the governments of the world, the "leaders", would like you to perceive it as a black and white issue. But the fact remains, the world is made up of over 7 billions shades of grey, you are but one side to a 7 billion sided die.

   This is why wars are started, and fought. Over people, will differing opinions on how the world should be ran.

Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:

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I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.

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