Imagine you find a bowl along the path. How big is the bowl? What is the bowl bade of? How full is it? Do you keep this bowl or do you drop it and leave it? When you see the bowl, how do you feel?
You walk more on this road, and notice a key hanging off a tree or a sign. What kind of key is it? What is it made of? How much does it weigh? Is it small, is it large? How connected do you feel to this key? As you progress on this road, do you decide to keep it or do you decide to leave it alone?
You now reach a fork in the road, to the right is the same path you've been on. But to the left, is a path you have yet to go down. Which way do you go? Which path do you choose to follow? The right or the left?
Whichever path chosen above, leads you to a house. This house is surrounded by a fence, how does this fence look? What material is it made of? What about the outside of the house? What does it look like? How many stories is it? Is it a big house or a small house?
Go to the door, is it unlocked? Is it locked? Did you keep that key from earlier? Go inside, what does it look like inside? Does the outside reflect what the inside looks like? Or is the inside completely different? What is the atmosphere like inside? Is it full inside? Or is it void of furniture?
Leave the house now, and go back to the road. Do you go back the way you came? Or do you decide to go on, into the unknown?
You may be asking me what all this has to do with? You may even be confused at this point. Let me explain:
The road symbolizes the life you have lived up until now.
The bowl is your feelings about money.
The key is your feelings on success.
The fence is how you set the boundaries in your life.
The outside of the house is how you present yourself onto others.
The inside of the house is your real (true) self.
The road is how far you can go into the future(life).
How did you fare? Is there anything you wish to change? Are you happy with your results? This all may not make sense at first glance. If not, I urge you to go back and re-read it. Really think about your decisions. Life is all about decisions. You choose your own destiny, your own path is carved by each and every choice you make in your life. You choose your road, you choose how much you want to fill your bowl up, weather you want the key or not, how you fence yourself off, how you present yourself to others, you choose how far you can go in life. The only thing we cannot change, is who we are. Our (true) self. We can only carve around that. We make choices based off who we are.
What choices have you made thus far in your life? Are you happy with them? Why or why not? Why did you make those choices? Were they your choices? Or did someone else influence them? You see, life is all about the decisions we make. The choices we choose to pursue. What road are you traveling right now? If you don't like it, CHANGE IT. You have the power within you to change every single thing in your life. From the people who occupy your time, to your happiness. Follow your primal instincts. Take what you want from life. The job, TAKE IT. The girl, TAKE IT. The success, TAKE IT. Do not let anyone or anything stand in your path, bust through the walls, jump over the hurdles and continue down that road to success..
Stay positive, and keep it real.
Check out my book, How To Get Everything You Want:
And the followup book, 86,400:
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I'm also selling custom made T-shirts, to which half of the proceeds will go towards testicular and prostate cancer charity.
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