Friday, May 6, 2016

Fears: Living A Fear Based Life

    "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." -Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    Sadly though, a lot of us live a fear based life. We live in a world full of phobias. According to ( there is over 500 documented phobias. That is quite the list, seeing as there is a fear of everything. Everything from the fear of spiders to the fear of water. Sometimes, we let these fears run our lives for us. Fear is a demon, and in order to slay that demon we must close our eyes and say we're not afraid. 

    There is a few things I myself like to do to overcome my fears. Let me share those methods with you today:

  The first method I like to use is the Imagery method. Or, facing my fear each and every day. Whatever my fear may be, weather it be physical or mental. I print a picture, or draw a picture of what I feel it looks like. Some sort of picture or object that resembles what my fear is. And I hang it somewhere where I can see it, first thing in the morning. I hang it either on my door or on a mirror. I face that fear every single morning. And that will acclimate my mind into confronting it everyday, thus rendering me less fearful of that which I feared before. This method is quite direct. In some cases, I have noticed it actually made the fear worse in some people. The majority, though, do actually eventually overcome their fears within a reasonable time. 

    I love to use meditation in these instances. If I feel fear, or work with a client who is full of fear, I usually prescribe daily meditation. I start off with 15 minutes a day, and work it up to around 45 minutes a day after a few months. I recommend meditation, regardless. But, meditation is the best medication anyone can use. There is an old saying, that goes: "If you don't have time to meditate for 15 minutes, meditate for 30". We always have time, we just need to make it. Maybe wake up 15 minutes earlier, Spend 15 minutes less watching TV, or spend 15 minutes less on meaningless tasks. We can always find room for more time, we just have to manage it better.

    Fear, often comes from our deep rooted ideologies from childhood. It could come from a bad experience, or exposure, with something we do not understand. Nothing in the world, is truly scary, or else everyone would be afraid of it. Therefore one can assume that fear can be overcome. Just as you can learn anything you set out to learn. It takes us 21 days to make or break a habit. Fear, comes from habitual rituals. When we can face our fear, and tell our fear we are no longer fearful, we can achieve true happiness. We must remember, that fear is not real, but it is only a figment of our imagination. Fear does not exist, we simply let it exist.

    Living a fear based life, will lead us to living a very unfulfilled life. Lose your fears, and gain your life. Lose what is holding you back, and step forth into becoming the best version of yourself you have ever seen.

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